Washington dc dating services

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A wonderful bonus to purchasing our Matchmaking Packages is the ability to attend our speed dating events at no additional charge to you. Creating a private club atmosphere while recognizing our clients are also our product - we reward lovely daters with caballeros and complimentary events and refuse service to anyone we don't think you'll fancy meeting. Although there is no guarantee that you will be matched with a client, many of our members are matched. Dating Services Washington DC believes in having a relaxed setting for all of their events. We will contact you when we have a client who is a perfect fit for you. Arch dating is not able or unbranded.

Hiring a matchmaker allows you to relax while someone else does the work. While you tend to the business of your busy life, we get to work carefully selecting, screening and interviewing your potential dates. In essence, we date them first to see if they are a good fit for you. We will not make an introduction until we feel we have a potential partner who embodies everything you are looking for. We are serious about working with you to find that very special someone, the love of your life. At DC Matchmaking, your happiness defines our success. Getting started When we receive your inquiry about becoming a client, we will contact you by phone to discuss our services, get to know a little bit about you and learn what your dating goals and expectations are. If we feel you are a good match for our company, we will schedule an in-person interview. If you join our database as a free member, we will contact you when we feel you may be a match for a client. Becoming a client The initial interview usually lasts between 1 — 2 hours. Becoming a free member Our membership pool is made up of successful, attractive, commitment-minded singles who would like to be considered as matches for our clients. There is no charge to become a member. Although there is no guarantee that you will be matched with a client, many of our members are matched. We will contact you when we have a client who is a perfect fit for you. If you wish to move forward with an introduction, we will arrange a date on your behalf. Feedback We ask our clients and their matches to give us feedback after each date. This enables us to better understand what you are looking for and to refine our search. In addition, feedback provides you with valuable insight that may help you to become more successful when dating in the future. This is a rare opportunity to learn how you are perceived on a date.

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